2020 Senior Rep Opportunity

December 30, 2018


Shan Ashley Photography is launching their first ever Senior Rep Program! This is an opportunity for a 2020 graduating senior to get a complimentary senior session in addition to earning free prints. Exciting, right? 


Who is eligible?

Any student in Queen Anne, Talbot or Caroline County that will be graduating high school in 2020. Applicants should be full of personality, comfortable in front of the camera and able to take direction. Applicants must have a parent or guardian approval as images will be used on social media and in other various marketing materials to promote Shan Ashley Photography.

What does it mean to be a Senior?

Senior Reps will participate in a styled senior session that will showcase their personality, hobbies and interests. After the session, reps will receive a password protected gallery to view images from their session and will be able to select 5 images to use on their social media accounts. 

Shan Ashley Photography will provide reps special referral cards to share with their friends. For each friend that becomes a paying client of Shan Ashley Photography, the rep will earn free digital downloads and print credits for their parents.

In addition to the initial Senior Session, reps may be asked to participate and model in various sessions throughout the year (no more than 2).

Senior Reps will be exclusive to Shan Ashely Photography and should not use the services of any other professional photographer until after graduation day. The idea is that reps will represent and be committed to Shan Ashley Photography.


When will my senior session be scheduled?

Your senior session will be scheduled no later than late April. Sessions will take place in the evenings (after 5 pm) or on Sunday Afternoons.

Where will my session be?

If you have been selected as a senior rep, we’ll have a short in-person consultation to discuss the vision of the rep and the photographer for the session. Together, we’ll decide on a location that best fits your personality and or interests.

How do I apply to become a Senior Rep?

It’s simple. All you need to do is submit a current headshot in addition to a brief e-mail telling a bit about yourself (hobbies, interests, accolades etc.). Headshots do not have to be professional but should be well-lit without any filters. All submissions must be received no later than February 28th. Prior to submission, you must ask for permission from your parent or guardian to participate in the rep program.


Please submit headshots to hello@shanashleyphotography.com with subject “2020 Senior Rep.”

CC: your parent or guardian and provide their contact information (name, phone number etc.).

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